10 Day reset and reflection 💭

December 23, 2020

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas Eve Eve friends!! I've been so inconsistent on here, but with my 10 day Vipassana retreat getting cancelled due to COVID-19, I decided to do a modified version at home with the inclusion of some other activities including writing something daily for my blog.

I was so excited to finally go on my second 10-day retreat - 2020 was such a mentally taxing year and I just wanted a break from everything. Although working from home as allowed me more free time than ever, my mind has never been more cluttered and filled with thoughts and endless chatter. The lines between work, personal and family time became blurred and I found myself just going through the days without being present and before I knew it, it was December.

Craving social interaction led me to be on my phone way more than usual, and even though I stopped using Instagram at the beginning of September, I found myself always wanting to talk to my friends at the expense of my other priorities.

Thinking about it a bit more, I'm glad the retreat was cancelled. Fourteen hours of meditation is great, but with my modified schedule, I'm aiming for 3 hours of meditation per day. This gives me much more time for my other passion projects like this blog, setting up my bullet journal for 2021, catching up on podcasts/books, trying new recipes and daily yoga.

During these 10 days, I'll be using my phone to listen to podcasts/books, to time my meditations and as a camera. All social media (i.e. Messenger and WhatsApp) are currently on pause and I know I definitely won't miss those "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!" messages from people i speak to once a year.

I made a preliminary schedule to follow and it almost feels like winter camp - despite the fact that I'm the only attendee. I'm so excited for these 10 days. I can't wait to reset and take some time to truly reflect on the year as well as set goals for 2021.

I know it can feel "weird" to take a social detox, especially during the holidays but with COVID-19 already throwing everyone a curveball, will there ever be a "right" time? Taking even a few hours off our phones and going for a long walk does the soul so much good.

Sending you lots of love and light this holiday season,

-Reina xo

#meditation #socialdetox #mindfulholidays #presenceoverpresents


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