One month in 📆

February 19, 2021

I can't believe that's already been a month at my new job!! Like I said in my previous post, I guess time really flies when you're either having fun or too busy to notice - in this case, it's been a combination of both. Nevertheless, I'm so happy I made the switch.

Starting a new job is tough regardless and combined with virtual onboarding resulted in its own challenges (i.e. not being able to log into my laptop for the first few hours). It's weird not getting ready, going to the office, meeting your team and the rest of the organization, getting a tour of the building and interacting with everyone face-to-face. Instead I joined a few BlueJeans calls to say hi and then got back to my heaps of e-learns.

Joining a smaller organization and my experiences to that at a Big 4 accounting firm deserves its own post so I won't delve into that too much here, but let's just say it's very different.

I love how friendly and kind everyone is, and from the get-go, I can see that the work that I'm doing is having a bigger impact. I was quite overwhelmed during the first couple of weeks just because there was so much information and background to get up to speed on, not to mention learning how to use Microsoft Outlook (I was so spoilt before with PwC using G Suite). Slowly, everything is making more sense and I'm able to start on tasks without being totally lost.

What I enjoy about the actual work is that there's no template or correct way to go about it, instead, all ideas and approaches are welcomed. Every task is unique and slightly different than the last time which means that my brain is challenged every time. I'm a big advocate of life-long learning and I never want to be at a job where I've plateaued (although I have to admit, that's how I felt at my old job).

I'm looking forward to going to the office once the pandemic is over and seeing my coworkers in person but until then, I'll continue to Slack and BlueJeans them.

If you're looking for a sign to make a change in your life, this is it. Keep growing and keep challenging yourself.

Sending you lots of love and light,

-Reina xo


✨ Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert 📚 (book review)


New year, new opportunities ✨