Growing my eyelashes with castor oil! 👁️

If you've never enjoyed the look of mascara and how crunchy it made your eyelashes feel or been too keen on eyelash extensions or falsies, this post is for you!

During the pandemic, I've been wearing makeup once every other week (basically whenever I have plans with a friend lol) so I've seen my bare face a lot more than usual.

While I've always had long eyelashes, they've been pretty sparse so I started researching natural ways to grow them out to be fuller and thicker.

I came across castor oil for hair growth as it's very rich in vitamin E and fatty acids so I decided to give it a try.

Just as a warning, castor oil is very thick so a little goes a long way. I filled up a small dropper bottle (reusing one of my Deciem bottles) and I only apply two drops every night. This small amount is enough for both my eyelashes as well as eyebrows.

Coat both the topside and underside of your top and bottom lashes - I recommend doing this very close to when you're going to sleep so the oil doesn't get into your eyes (there's no harm but it's just uncomfortable).

These are my results after about 3 weeks of consistent nightly use! As you can see, my lashes are so much more fuller and longer.

Now onto the project of growing back my eyebrows...

Sending you lots of love and light!

-Reina xo


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