I’m 24! 🥳 Reflecting on the year

Today, on September 15, I turned 24 - well technically not yet, since it's 9:40 am and I was born at 11:13 pm, but let's not dwell too much on that.

I can't believe it - twenty four!! I still feel like a kid, and sometimes I have to pause before answering how old I am.

This year has been an interesting one, and definitely not something I could have ever predicted, but I'm so so grateful for the way things turned out.

I started off my year with completing the biggest 3-day exam in my professional career and taking a solo trip to Japan and Singapore. I was super nervous and scared about navigating alone in Asia, figuring out what vegan food to eat and getting around - but I had the best time of my life and learnt so much about myself.

Then in October, I started full-time work at a firm where I completed all my internships. Though starting full time work was technically the same as an internship, the permanency was a bit overwhelming. To know that the next time I would leave would be when I quit (or retire lol).

At the end of October, I drove back to Waterloo to attend my Master's convocation. Being back in Waterloo brought back so many memories, from all the free events I used to attend, to all the shenanigans my study group used to get up to. I had mapped out this path from my Grade 10 Careers class in 2012, and now in 2019, it felt so surreal to be handed my Master's degree.

I got the opportunity to live downtown with my brother for several weeks while my parents were living out their pre-retirement dreams in Singapore and Bali. Growing up, I always wanted to live in my own condominium in the city, but after actually living there, I realized how much I treasure nature, having more space, and the stillness and quiet that the suburbs provide.

In December, I travelled to Scotland and England for three weeks. Unlike my other trips where England would just be a jam packed trip to see as many people in the shortest amount of time, I spent almost 2 weeks with family. We didn't do anything special, just hanging out and really spending time with each other, and my heart couldn't be more full.

2020 started typically for me - I was across the world flying home and returning back to work the next day. January to March dragged on but also flew by at the same time. I questioned my career choice almost every day, asking myself if what I was doing had any real impact to the world, what I saw myself doing in the next 5 years, and why I was wasting my youth doing something I hated. But I hung on and soldiered on, and I'm so grateful I did. The coronavirus hit full force mid-March and so many people lost their jobs.

All of a sudden, none of my travel plans looked likely and I was stuck at home. This was a strange feeling for me, as I was used to traveling every four months (in between semesters).

April to August were very chill in terms of work, which means I prioritized myself. I would go for walks, eat healthy, and read loads of books. I finally launched my website, released my Japan and Singapore vlogs, spent quality time with my family, and rediscovered my hobbies.

Not having to see people or go to social events just to show face made me realize who my true friends are. I started honouring my commitments to myself instead of doing what society deemed acceptable.

I surpassed my most ambitious financial goals, and I'm so happy to have had this time to just lay low, not spend money, and work my way to financial freedom. I switched from having my investments managed by an advisor to managing them myself, and I'm so grateful to have the control over my own finances.

Over the past few months, I really began to take my health more seriously. After spending the past few months indulging in quarantine, I knew it was time to be consistent with my workouts and eat foods that nourish my body. After 6 weeks of doing HIIT (high intensity interval training), I am stronger than I've ever been before and I'm so proud of myself. I'm eating intuitively and nourishing my body and I'm so excited to see how my body changes in the next 6 weeks, months and years to come.

I was supposed to be in Thailand right now, but instead I woke up today, did my workout and walked to the closest Starbucks for my birthday drink (a matcha latte with oat milk). As I sat in the backyard, fully bundled up, I couldn't help but feel so grateful for the life I'm able to live.

I honestly can't predict how this next year of my life will go, but I'm so proud of what I've accomplished thus far!!

Sending you lots of love and extra light!

-Reina xo


Growing my eyelashes with castor oil! 👁️


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