How to lighten your hair naturally

Like most girls, I went through a phase of endlessly looking at pictures on Instagram and Google Images of perfectly blended ombrés, balayages and hand-painted highlights. I was tired of having plain black hair and wanted a change.

But then I searched researching the aftercare and potential damage it would have on my hair. From having to use bleach on my jet black hair to using special shampoos to prevent brassiness - the cons seemed to outweigh the pros.

So like most situations, I started researching natural ways to lighten my hair that would be more budget-friendly (these hair treatments can be $$$ and require touch up and maintenance sessions!), and time efficient (ain't nobody got hours to sit in a salon chair).

After about 4 uses of applying the concoction detailed below and leaving it on for 2-3 hours each time, this is how my hair looked:

While it's not salon perfection, I like the DIY look and love how the mahogany and gold tones catch in the light. Indoors, my hair looks dark brown.

The paste calls for honey, cinnamon, and lemon juice which were all items that I had in my kitchen.

Honey is moisturizing for the hair and has hydrogen peroxide which is then activated by the cinnamon to give hair the red tint. The lemon juice is high in citric acid, which not only helps to grow and strengthen hair but also reacts with UV rays to break down the pigment in the hair (i.e. lighten it).

Here's how you can make your own mixture:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey 🍯

  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon (no emoji 😢)

  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 🍋

Mix it all together in a bowl, and apply to damp hair (warning: this does get quite messy and be sure to wipe it up quickly as not to stain any surfaces).

Put a shower cap or, if you're ghetto like me, a plastic bag on your head and leave it on for a few hours before washing.

As I mentioned, the lemon juice works well in the sunlight so try and sit out for a bit! A great way to also get some Vitamin D ☀️

Rinse out as normal with shampoo and conditioner! Very rarely can you see results in the first time, but after 4 uses I was quite happy with the results!

If you end up trying this, make sure to take before and after pictures and let me know how it goes!

Sending you good vibes and lots of light!

-Reina xo


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